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King Size Slim Rolling papír + szűrő (king size)Rolling papír + szűrő (king size)
Sanpellegrino - Italian Sparking drinksSanpellegrino - Italian Sparking drinks
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With CBDSleep - tapaszok a jobb alvásértSleep - tapaszok a jobb alvásért
50 mg CBDSoStoned Cannabis Energiaital CBD-velSoStoned Cannabis Energiaital CBD-vel
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10% CBDSzéles Spektrumú CBD kapszula (30db)Széles Spektrumú CBD kapszula (30db)
10% CBD capsules (30 pcs) Sale price15.990 Ft
EXTRA CARESzenior 60+ csomag (Memória & ízület)Szenior 60+ csomag (Memória & ízület)
Senior 60+ package (Memory & Joint) Sale price55.190 Ft Regular price68.970 Ft
Teljes Spektrumú CBD kapszula (30db)Teljes Spektrumú CBD kapszula (30db)
PracticalThe Bulldog™ Amsterdam - Fém pipaThe Bulldog™ Amsterdam - Fém pipa
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UNISEXTribargin+ CBD Intim GélTribargin+ CBD Intim Gél
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Package offerTribargin+ Love CsomagTribargin+ Love Csomag
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For menTribargin+ Tesztoszteronfokozó tablettaTribargin+ Tesztoszteronfokozó tabletta
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aphrodisiacVágy - GyógynövényteaVágy - Gyógynövénytea
Libido - Herbal tea Sale price4.990 Ft(100 Ft/g)
3 flavoursVegán KenderfehérjeVegán Kenderfehérje
Vegan Hemp Protein Sale price5.990 Ft(30 Ft/g)
ImmunizeVitalitás - GyógynövényteaVitalitás - Gyógynövénytea
Vitality - Herbal tea Sale price4.990 Ft(100 Ft/g)
70 mg of CBDZEN CBD Shot italZEN CBD Shot ital
ZEN CBD Shot drink Sale price3.990 Ft(67 Ft/ml)
Fogszuvasodás ellenCBD fogkrém probiotikummal
CBD fogkrém probiotikummal Sale price2.990 Ft(30 Ft/g)
30 dbCBD Gumicukor - Gyümölcsmix (30db)
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CuteCLIPPER® Öngyújtó - Cute Weed
Sleep Tea CBD-velOrganikus Sleep Tea CBD-velOrganikus Sleep Tea CBD-vel
Organikus Sleep Tea CBD-vel Sale price4.590 Ft
Relax Tea CBD-velOrganikus CBD Relax Tea CBD-velOrganikus CBD Relax Tea CBD-vel
Relax Tea CBD-velOrganikus CBD Energizáló Tea CBD-velOrganikus CBD Energizáló Tea CBD-vel
Lemon flavorCHILLO® JegesteaCHILLO® Jegestea
CHILLO® Jegestea Sale price990 Ft Regular price1.290 Ft(4 Ft/ml)

How to apply

3 steps to CBD oil

Shake well

Shake the contents of the bottle thoroughly before use.

Administer the drops as needed

Fill the dropper pipette. Add as many drops as you want to consume.

Place it under your tongue

Place a drop of the oil under the tongue and hold it there for 60 seconds before swallowing.

hogyan adagold a CBD-t
cbd kalkulator

dosage calculator


It is generally recommended to start with low doses and gradually increase until the desired effect is achieved.

For CBD oil, start with 5-10 mg (1-2 drops) per day, then increase the dose after a few days if necessary.

It is important to monitor the physical and emotional reactions when consuming CBD. Record the effects and any side effects.

The effects of CBD are not always felt immediately and it may take time for the body to adapt. Give your body time to react.

The ideal dose may vary from person to person and depends on your weight or health status.

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